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Chapter 7  Nurturing Noble Qualities

Olivia Roman and Francesco Macchi, Reading: 17 March 2012

Dear Toby,
Upon your birth, my partner Francesco and I contemplated about the miracle of life and the joys of parenthood. Most importantly, your birth also called to mind our enduring commitment to becoming parents ourselves, as we patiently await the birth of our baby boy in June.

As a first time mum, in the same way as your mummy Bianca, I have embarked on a journey to love our (yet unborn) children with the intention that they will be productive and loving members of society. The more I think about this point, I realise how crucial our lives, examples, thoughts and beliefs will influence our children in their future. This will not be short-term assistance or a loving gesture for another human being, but rather a lifelong journey to nurture all those noble qualities we, as humans, can engender… This will be our gift to our children.

Toby, your parents have expressed to me how much they love you and I don’t doubt it for a second! Please always be open to speak to them (as I have done), as they will always have an open ear and a willing heart to suggest and/or guide you the best way they know how. Look at their life example and approach to life in general as a guide.

In short, we all look forward to see you thrive in life, apply your talents, love nature and make your mark as an active member of the society we live in…

All our love and best wishes,
Olivia Roman and Francesco Macchi

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